
At the start of 2025, the members of our committee and I wish you every happiness, health and professional success.
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the men and women of the Rock who, through their ever-increasing membership fees, provide us with unfailing and invaluable support.
Without contributors, AERN would not exist!
This year, to boost our network, we're making a major effort to update our contact details and professional and personal situations, as there are still too many people who haven't activated their profile on our website.
To remedy this situation, we're launching a major campaign entitled: "In search of lost Rockies and Rockies".
It's up to you to update your profile and invite one or more of your friends to do the same.
It'll only take you a few seconds on our site, which complies to the letter with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Why update your profile?
To become more and more open and friendly. To expand our network, and make it even more effective through its precision, on both a personal and professional level.
By increasing the number of contributors, we're better able to develop strategies to serve our alumni in France and around the world.
At the request of our School, we are mobilizing more than ever, to give it our support. Join us in reinforcing this action, and don't hesitate to share your proposals with us by writing to
Together, in solidarity, let's make 2025 rockier than ever!
Kamran Khosrovani
Vallon : 1967 - 1972
President of AERN
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